You’ve listened to the podcast – great! Now take the next step, and join Ash, Flo, and their guest Luk Smeyers live for the recording of S11E5,
Where we explain how service buying and consultancy business development have changed (again), and how to respond to it.
Wondering how you could grow your firm even further, faster in 2022? Then this will be the episode for you!
Join Ash Mohd, Flo Heinrichs, and their guest, Luk Smeyers (founder, for an in-depth discussion of “modern” marketing and business development and how to build it within your firm… live!
It’ll be a quick, intense, and fun update on consultancy business development strategy and execution for consulting leaders and their marketing execs.
Tune in and be part of the conversation as the three of them will discuss with you and your peers:
You’ll have the opportunity to meet us, meet like-minded peers, and ask any questions you might have.
Uh… here. Just click the button and we’ll take you to our Zoom-Call registration form.
High-signal only, and no spam. We respect your privacy. Also… this!