S27E3 – Professionalizing bizdev
unbillable hours – the podcast Improving, i.e., focusing, strategizing, and scaling a firm’s business development efforts, can be a somewhat lengthy journey. Soo… how could you fast-track it? Listen to Ash and Flo discuss the journey, its usual stages, and what to do during which to get to where you’d like to be much quicker. Apps […]
S27E2 – Increasing engagement
unbillable hours – the podcast Unhappy with the business results you got from your firm’s content marketing efforts in 2023? Well, then, this is the episode for you! Listen in to hear Ash and Flo discuss where firms tend to go wrong with their content and what they could do to fix it. Includes examples! […]
S27E1 – Dressing windows
unbillable hours – the podcast Does your firm market all its greatest thinking? Or does it keep some stuff not just in the back of the shop? If it’s the latter – consider bringing some of it not just into the store but right up in front and into the “shopping window,” i.e., your marketing, […]